Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer's Pleasures

This is the time for taking a slow walk around the garden.

I love to be up early in the morning with a cup of coffee in my hand strolling from flower to flower, admiring Nature at it's finest.  The other hand held my camera for all these gorgeous images.  There are lots....I got snap-happy...! 

                                             It's a nice place for the birds and butterflies as well.

 I hope you enjoyed a little bit of my backyard.

Have a wonderful weekend...if it's hot, stay hydrated with plenty of skin protection.



  1. Coffee in the garden. What a lovely way to spend your summer mornings. You're so lucky to be surrounded by such beauty!

    I love the daisies. My favorite!

    1. I like the daisies too...only wish they would stay in the flower stage all summer.
